
All children are entitled to a full-time place at Reception (Foundation 2) in September, following their fourth birthday. The Academy participates in the Local Authority co-ordinated scheme and all applications for the academy should be made through the Nottinghamshire County Council Admissions Team.

The website address for applications is:

The Telephone number is: 0300 500 80 80
Deadlines within the scheme should be adhered to by applicants.

Admissions arrangements can be found here:

View our catchment area map

Nursery Admissions

Children can join our nursery in the term after they turn three. At any time before this you can put your child’s name on our waiting list. To do this, please contact the Academy on 01623 635928. You will be contacted the term before your child starts with details about transition visits and their start at our Nursery.


There is right of appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel for unsuccessful applicants relating to admissions at age 5 (statutory school age) or above. Appeals should be made to the Academy, in writing, within twenty five (25) school days of the date of refusal.

Please be aware that the regulations under Section I of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 limit the size of an infant class (a class in which the majority of children will reach the age of 5, 6 or 7 during the school year) to 30 pupils per class teacher. Admissions over this limit are only permitted in very limited circumstances.